The Real World

The Real World


While academic freedom is an ideal position to strive for, research, innovation, and technology has largely moved into the commercial arena providing far greater freedom of expression. The reason for this is twofold. Firstly, the path from academic pure research to commercial development is too long, and secondly, the funding available to commercialize ideas within tertiary institutions is just not available.

In the real world new ideas need to be developed quickly to recover the research and development commitment invested. Because of the intense competition, companies must have a vibrant research component if they are to stay in business. This means that those who complete a tertiary study program will most likely find greater satisfaction pursuing their research in the commercial field rather than in pure academia.

The Tertiary education system therefore becomes the entry point into the exciting field of commercial research. The Degree becomes not the end point, but merely the basic training on how to solve a problem in a particular field of endeavour.

For those completing a degree the most important aspect of entering into the commercial world is to be recognized. Publishing in academic journals does not promote an author it merely promotes the topic of the paper. By publishing online with a brief outline of the author’s field of endeavour and experience provides much greater exposure into the commercial arena. Tertiary Publishing online wants to help you break into this exciting and much more rewarding field of commercial research. Technology drives research and research expands technology. Publish your paper here if you want to be a part of this.

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